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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
20 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Top Issues on the Women#8217;s Role in Vietnamese Society
20 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Top Issues on the Women#8217;s Role in Vietnamese Society >Writing an investigate paper might be a genuinely muddled errand in the event that you aren’t precisely excessively acquainted with general subject matter you need to manage. All things considered, so as to compose a not too bad paper of this sort you need to choose a particular issue to cover, and it’s a hard activity on the off chance that you have just a dubious thought of the topic. Women’s job in Vietnamese society is one of such issues; on the off chance that you need to compose an exposition about it, you can profit by utilizing one of the themes from the rundown we’ve arranged: Vietnamese Women: The Past and the Present Changes in the Vietnamese Family Over the Last Thirty Years Vietnamese Gender Roles Traditionally and in Modern Times The Changes in Gender Pay Gap in Post-Doi Moi Vietnam The Vietnamese Concept of Feminine Ideal and Challenges of Modern Society Sexual orientation Relations in Pre-War and Post-War Vietnamese Society Women’s Entrepreneurship Evolution in Vietnam Changing Identity of Woman’s Role in Modern Vietnam Advancement of Women’s Educational Rights in Vietnam Vietnamese Family and Household in Pre-and Post-Revolutionary Vietnam Family and Woman’s Role in Post-Doi Moi Vietnamese Society Move Towards Gender Equality in Vietnamese Society: 1980s and 2010s View on Single Women in pre-War and post-War Vietnamese Society Instructive Gender Gap in post-War Vietnam and Now Ladies in Vietnamese Government in 1980s and Now Sexual orientation Discrimination in Post-War Vietnam and Today Vietnamese Abortion Law in 1960s and Today The Change of Gender Relations In Vietnam: before the Doi Moi and Today Sex Relations in Colonial and Post-Colonial Vietnam Job of the Family in Vietnamese Tradition as Opposed to Today As you see, these subjects are truly acceptable in light of the fact that they maintain a strategic distance from speculation and spotlight on specific issues in the tremendous issue of women’s rights and social remaining in Vietnamese society. For your reference, here’s an example exposition on one of these. Vietnamese Women: The Past and the Present Vietnam has consistently been and still is an impossible to miss culture in what concerns sexual orientation relations, bouncing to and fro from matriarchal inclinations in the antiquated occasions, to male predominance conventional for social orders impacted by Confucianism, to announcement of sex uniformity by the Communist party in 1930s, to slow come back to conventionalism after the insurgency and war. It very well may be said that Vietnam is urgently attempting to discover its place and personality in today’s world, attempting simultaneously to be present day and preservationist, communist and free market, sexual orientation equivalent and strong of customary qualities. In this light it is intriguing to investigate how the situation of ladies changed today when contrasted with what it was earlier with Doi Moi. Socialist gathering of Vietnam has been a solid supporter of the possibility of sexual orientation correspondence, broadcasting it one of their primary objectives in the absolute first gathering report as ahead of schedule as 1930s. The Women’s Union was a moderately ground-breaking association getting a charge out of a legislative assurance that it would be counseled about any law that concerned women’s wellbeing and prosperity. After the arrangement of Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1949, various laws planned for modernizing the sexual orientation and social connections were acknowledged, for example, paid maternity leave, equivalent compensation for equivalent work, etc. Endeavors were taken to take out the old acts of constrained marriage, youngster marriage and concubinage, just as to give equivalent access to instruction independently of sexual orientation. Be that as it may, in post-war conditions these activities rather immediately lost their force. After men started to come back from war to their common positions, the need in ladies working in mechanical and agrarian areas quickly diminished, which was additionally exasperated by troublesome monetary circumstance and shortage of assets. Subsequently, ladies to an enormous degree floated back to their conventional jobs. Contrasted with pre-Doi Moi period, present day Vietnamese ladies appreciate a far more noteworthy level of opportunity and cultural acknowledgment. There is various incredibly affluent ladies in business, they have a decent amount of portrayal in government and a greatly improved access to advanced education that quite a few years prior. Be that as it may, Vietnamese society stays a profoundly traditionalistic one. An informed lady acquiring her business and ascending the profession stepping stool is regularly seen in negative light by their spouses, male family members, progressively preservationist ladies and society when all is said in done. A go to help for conventional qualities taken by the Communist party in 1990s and mid 2000s additionally bolsters this feeling †fast modernization and decollectivization were seen upon as negative to the customary Vietnamese more distant family. With everything taken into account, regardless of an extensive push ahead in the course of the most recent quite a few years, Vietnam despite everything has far to go as far as sexual orientation correspondence. Ladies despite everything possess generally low-paying situations in labor power, exceptionally taught and high-procuring ladies are frequently seen with dissatisfaction by society, and there is adequate proof of little youngsters being sold into constrained relationships abroad. At the end of the day, Vietnam despite everything stays a nation of differences, urgently searching for its character in present day world. References: Andaya, Barbara Watson. The Flaming Womb: Repositioning Women in Early Modern Southeast Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2006. Print Cohn, Julie. â€Å"A Tiny Village Where Women Chose to Be Single Mothers.†New York Times Feb. 14 2013 Haworth, Abigail. â€Å"From War Babies to Billionaires: Vietnam’s Wealthiest Women.†The Guardian Mar. 24 2013 Quasem, Himaya. â€Å"Tackling Gender Inequality in Vietnam.†The Guardian Nov. 22 2010 â€Å"Brides available to be purchased: Trafficked Vietnamese Girls Sold into Marriage in China.†The Guardian Jun. 29 2014 Schloppa, R. Keith. East Asia: Identities and Change in the Modern World (1700 to Present). Pearson, 2007. Print Werner, Jayne Susan, and Khuat Thu Hong. Past the point where it is possible to Marry: Failure, Fate or Fortune? Female Singlehood in Rural North Viet Nam. Sexual orientation, Household, State: Ä'á » ì‚i Má »â€ºi in Viá »â€¡t Nam. Ed. Jayne Susan Werner and Daniã ¨le Bã ©langer. Cornell University, 2002. Print
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Unique Corporate Culture in Google Free Essays
The Unique Corporate Culture in Google Executive Summary The web monster of web crawler â€Å"Google†, consistently appraised for the â€Å"Best Workplace†, â€Å"Best Employer†in the ongoing ten years. Why? But the expert innovation, Google’s extraordinary and exceptional corporate culture made so. The element of Google’s corporate culture is without equity and human arranged. We will compose a custom article test on The Unique Corporate Culture in Google or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now The organization give the most extravagance and agreeable workplace to its worker, empower them loosen up additional, play hard and buckle down. From Google’s case, an ever increasing number of organizations understood the advantages and advantages for the worker are not, at this point just clinical, protection, additional time pay, free espresso and fourteen days occasions. In Google, no one have to check in, you can work in your own â€Å"time zone†. In the event that you don’t need to leave your pet in the working time, acquire it your office, you can remain with it in consistently. You don’t need bring the lunch box to the organization, since it has free breakfast, lunch and supper consistently. Huge sorts of offices are settled. Like the expert massagist, the exercise center, the back rub seat, the bike, the launder clothing, the slides, the electronic bike, the oil change, etc. Everything appears to be extraordinary, yet in the event that the representative has other interest, they can address the originator or CEO legitimately, perhaps the solicitation would be extreme or insane, yet on the off chance that it is practical, Google will fulfill worker every way under the sun. The open approach mirrors the fairness in Google. Each representative can see the chief and associates work plan and calendar. Google figure along these lines can let all workers get the data about company’s program progress and creating heading, cause them to feel they are trusted and will be one of the gatherings consistently. Step by step instructions to refer to The Unique Corporate Culture in Google, Papers
La Cienaga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
La Cienaga - Essay Example In the wake of taking care of Argentinian Film Center which shut down during financial ruin in 1989 she chipped in short shooting; invested some energy in perusing Greek way of thinking; and watched motion pictures to dive her insight in cinematography of recording. Her perfect work of art made her content La Cienage won honor in 1999. To build up her creation the prize was just utilized as a capital. Martel's works withstand and become enthusiasm to Argentine film reestablishment. She forms each specialty and shape with heart and structure for relic of sound. It resembles that she's speaking to herself to the spot of onlooker and characters purposefully developed with the dash of her experience. Therefore she put characters to fill in as vehicle to speak to the real emergency of Argentine developed to disclosure of want and plan to live aloofly. Martel's works have solid relationship into her encounters. The development of New Argentina Cinema and the unmistakable emergency is the off track of various screen-play class, its planning helps the Martel as well as the other most popular agents bring out into the warmth of eagerness of trademark film craftsmanship. Taking a gander at the more profound thought of La Cienaga the characters are representation of Argentina's fiasco in topography and atmosphere. With respect to the cast of La Cienaga human destiny is brought about ordinarily and the film is an extraordinary self-portraying of numerous ways. It recounts about the narrative of useless two related families at their staggering lives. One is on the objection of declination at working class family while the other is in the minimized circumstance of high society level.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tourism Growth and Environmental Impacts on Greater Blue Mountains Are
Question: Talk about the Tourism Growth and Environmental Impacts on Greater Blue Mountains Area. Answer: Presentation Foundation Information The lavish backwoods alongside the profound ravines of the Greater Blue Mountains Area (GBMA) in NSW structure an uncommon sort of condition which is wealthy in marvelous scenes, culture and history that is remarkable and assortments of plants just as creatures in bounty. In 2000, it was recorded among as the World Heritage Area. With roughly a million guests yearly, it is the countrys regular vacation spot that is most as often as possible visited. This developing number of travelers has put the GBMA under extreme tension as it has expanded the aggregate imprint that individuals have on the earth and furthermore the regular procedures related with. Aggravation of natural life, vegetation, litter and water contamination demonstrate that there is a requirement for building up a national ethic which secures the region (Jaworski-Neilson, 2006). Research Aim Statement The point of the examination is perceiving the genuine subjects according to the development of the matter of the travel industry and the general impact that it has all in all industry just as the world legacy site, the GBMA. Other than this, the point of the investigation is additionally finding the noteworthy courses of action alongside the methodologies which are being driven by the Area Tourism Board and the impact that they are having on the travel industry. Research Objectives To find issues affecting the earth because of the travel industry development and to perceive the conceivable answer for such issues. To perceive what impact the issues identified with the travel industry have on the earth, the business visionaries of the travel industry and the travel industry body. To recognize just as explore each key procedure and course of action which is started by the neighborhood the travel industry board. To recognize which experiences and concerns are being confronted as of now by the advancement panel and the nearby the travel industry board. Importance of the Research The exploration issue proposed should be examined for making mindfulness among the individuals regrading the need to save the national legacy by acting in a dependable way towards nature and furthermore in regards to the methodologies that the advancement panel of the nearby the travel industry board has taken and the difficulties which they are looking as for GSBA (Sunlu, 2003). Delimitations The investigation will be delimited to the individuals from the advancement advisory group of the nearby the travel industry board and living in Sydney, Australia. Writing Review Presentation The segment of writing survey will be considering the requirement for advancement of ecological messages and the degree to which they are being done in the event of WHAs and especially the GBMA. Primary Body Negative Impacts of Tourism Growth on the Environment The travel industry prompts negative effects when guest use levels surpass the capacity of the earth of adapting to the utilization inside the constraints of progress that are adequate. Traditional the travel industry that is uncontrolled postures potential dangers to a few regular zones worldwide as expanded contamination, soil disintegration, loss of characteristic territory, improved weight on the jeopardized species, expanded likelihood of timberland flames and strain on the normal assets making basic aggravation the neighborhood populace (Hall, 2001). In such a situation, it turns into the duty of the Government and the Communities to concoct techniques for assurance and protection of nature. Job of Tourism Industry in Promotion of Tourism alongside Protection and Conservation of the Environment It is progressively being normal by the legislatures and networks that the secured territories are the protection pillar as well as draw in travelers and give recreational and monetary advantages to the networks neighboring them (Lloyd et al., 2015). Such a drive for expanding the quantity of sightseers squeezes the supervisors to offer help to the activities of the travel industry to zones like the World Heritage Sites (Buckley, 2004) (Thompson et al., 2011). The travel industry can make commitments to preservation by methods for monetary commitments, acquiring enhancements ecological administration and arranging especially of the travel industry related offices, raising ecological mindfulness, securing, saving and reestablishing the organic assorted variety and utilizing the normal assets in a manageable way. At long last they can think of administrative measures (Sunlu, 2003). The fundamental focal point of the Government the travel industry organizations till now has been the effects that climatic changes have on goals and the expansion in costs for the administrators (Tourism Northern Territory , 2009). Be that as it may, there have been contrasts in their degree and inclusion of the issues of atmosphere changes (Zeppel Beaumont, 2012). Most definitely, it should be overseen in the right route for giving double advantages of utilizing the travel industry for meeting the global commitment of the Government as far as introducing the estimations of World Heritage and making utilize this marking alongside the normal qualities for pulling in the travel industry (Wilson et al., 2011). On the opposite expanding the travel industry without having an appropriate comprehension of the dangers, qualities and weakness of the World Heritage destinations can prompt clashes between the preservation and monetary objectives of the Government (Fairweather et al., 2005) (Halpenny, 2010) . If there should be an occurrence of GBMA, the improvement council of the neighborhood the travel industry board has been endowed with the duty of finding the issues corresponding to the travel industry that sway the earth, the impacts that such issues have on the different partners, the methodologies being created by them in this regard and the diffic ulties they face. Natural Impacts of Tourism Growth in GBMA The apparent development of canyoning, an experience entertainment sport in the GBMA has prompted concerns in regards to such exercises causing guest impacts that are impractical to the biological system of the gorge. Stomping on action was applied in three levels on the networks of benthic large scale invertebrate networks. Resulting to beginning adverse impacts brought about by stomping on, recuperation began. This mirrored a worry for the earth and a move in the recreation center administration accentuation to the effect on the characteristic zone which experience diversion was having (Hardiman Burgin, 2011). End The greater part of the perceptions in the writing that as of now exists show the negative effects of the travel industry development on the earth and the measures that should be taken. Be that as it may, there is lack of writing on the procedures really being embraced by the travel industry and the difficulties that they face. This examination will attempt to address this hole in writing. Research worldview and job of hypothesis Research Paradigm Research worldview is considered as a viewpoint which has a lot of shared presumptions, ideas, qualities and practices as its premise (Johnson Christensen, 2010). It is the analysts sees identified with information improvement and aides in leading a compelling examination. The exploration worldview involves the positivism, interpretevism and authenticity examine ways of thinking. For this exploration, the interpretivist worldview is the most reasonable one as it depicts the basic reasoning and the structure is progressively elucidating. The primary focal point of the worldview of interpretivism is on the substance which are a segment of the information and the way where their creation is made by means of language rehearses (Collins, 2010). The emphasis is more on investigating the subject of research and the more the quantity of investigations made on the point, the more noteworthy will be the discoveries just as the translations of the differed exercises and events according to the subject of research (Cryer, 2006). Hypothetical Underpinning An examination may be deductive or inductive. If there should be an occurrence of inductive research, the hypothesis is brought out from the result of the examination study while in the event of deductive research the methodology is top-down wherein the speculations are drawn from the hypothesis (Saunders et al., 2007). Perceptions will be made by the exploration on the theories and the hypothesis hypothesizes will be affirmed. Figure 1: Deductive Research Approach A deductive methodology will be embraced by the investigation and the results which will be drawn because of this examination will add on to the information that as of now exists on the natural effects that development in the travel industry has. Ecological Impacts of Tourism The nature of characteristic just as man-made condition is crucial for the travel industry. Notwithstanding, the relationship that exists between the earth and the travel industry is very mind boggling. A few exercises that may effectsly affect the earth are engaged with it. a large portion of such effects are identified with developing the general framework like air terminals, streets, the travel industry offices, for example, shops, eateries, lodgings and resorts. These negative parts of creating the travel industry can at last outcome in annihilating the natural assets on which it is reliant. It is a methods for bringing issues to light identified with ecological qualities and has the capacity of filling in as an apparatus for financing assurance and expanding the monetary noteworthiness of the characteristic territories (Sunlu, 2003). Research Design System To gather the information for the investigation subjective research will be utilized. Subjective research technique contains gathering information and afterward utilizing it for portraying the changed angles however there is no attention on measurable surmisings (Bjrklund Paulsson, 2012). The primary point of such an examination is to utilize it for mentioning objective facts that will help the specialist to appreciate the information that has been gathered (Ghauri Grnhaug, 2005). Subjective research will be utilized in this examination as the nature is interpretative towards the ecological effects of the travel industry development in the GBMA. Moreover, subjective re
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Making Time For Art
Making Time For Art [by Ashley Nash 11] Before I got to MIT, in all of my classes, there has been one and only one answer to every question. The reason to do a problem was to get the answer. What about the answer? Why does it even matter? I dont know, but I didnt bother to try and find out, and at MIT, the answer doesnt matter very much anyway. I got a 39 on my first math test here because I was taught, one question, one answer, and MIT doesnt work that way. From the first question, you have to ask two more, and find 3 formulas for them and then you will get an answer, if you are lucky, and hopefully this answer will be the one your instructor intended. This concept of thinking is mind-boggling academically, but it is the main support of art. Whats the answer? There isnt one. Dont worry. If you dont have much or any experience with art, MIT provides plenty of opportunities in classes and in clubs. I am taking SP.747-Creative Imaging, a great photography class where I am learning to take photos with film (goodbye point and click) and develop them. MIT not only provides me with a semesters worth of film, but also access to three printers where I can print my pictures. One of them is a dry-sub printer; it sublimates red and yellow ink to make orange, instead of using red and yellow dots. Our first assignment was to bring in photos and talk about why we liked/disliked them. I brought in pictures of the London Clocktower, the California Coast, and a fuzzy baby penguin. I like them because they are pretty and dont have people in them. I dont like people. People annoy me. (Ten brownie points to anyone who knows what those two lines are from.) So on that note, here are some of my photos. This one is of a cat on a Senior House windowsill: This is the 4th Ware lounge of Senior House, where I live: This is a view of the Pru and the Charles from Senior House: And this is a photo of the giant sail sculpture in front of the Green Building: One of the many art clubs that MIT has is MTG, the Musical Theatre Guild. I am not a member of this club, but several of my friends are, and I have been to both of their shows this year, their most recent being Andrew Lippas The Wild Party, based on Joseph Moncure Marchs narrative poem of the same name. The show was exquisite, great acting, music, make-up and costumes alike. The protagonist, Queenie, is a beautiful, popular blonde who loves living life in the fast-lane. She thought she had found paradise with Burrs, a fun-loving clown, but a few years into the relationship, she grew tired of his bad attitude and demeanor. She decides to throw a wild party, where she will be able to embarrass him in front of their friends, but things go unexpectedly when her friend Kate brings her date, Mr. Black. Thats all Im going to say; I hate it when people ruin the ending. (Random Fact: When this show ran off-Broadway, Idina Menzel played Kate, the protagonists best friend.) If I could have anything, I would have Idina Menzels voice and life would be a musical. How could life be better?
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Paving The Path To Primary Care For Unevenly Educated Students
document.createElement('audio'); Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | TuneIn | SpotifyCity College of New York A physician shortage looms large. Enter Dr. Maurizio Trevisan and the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, the newest accredited medical school in the United States. Listen to the show to find out how the City College of New York medical school is simultaneously paving the path to primary care for â€Å"unevenly educated students†and changing the status quo for medically underserved communities. 00:01:47 – History of The Sophie Davis School and its evolution into a med school. 00:03:13 – About the BS/MD program. 00:05:58 – Why a 7-year curriculum is critical for Sophie Davis’s mission. 00:07:15 – Taking chances, supporting students and bringing diversity to the medical profession. 00:14:20 – What pushed the program to get accreditation and what the future holds. 00:17:25 – Alums making the school proud. 00:19:29 – Advice for financially or academically challenged med school hopefuls. *Theme music is courtesy of Related Links: †¢ Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education †¢ Are You Cut Out for a Combined BS/MD Program? †¢ New CUNY School of Medicine accredited Related Shows: †¢ The Doctor As Renaissance Man †¢ Baylor College Of Medicine: A Holistic Approach To Admissions †¢ Attn Med Applicants: A Class Is Matriculated Every Single Year †¢ Medical School Admissions 2015-2016: A Dean’s Perspective Leave a Review for Admissions Straight Talk:
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Descriptive Essay Border Hopping - 1384 Words
Johnathan Sanchez Jose A. Intriago Suarez Humor Essay 09/09/2016 Border Hopping Ahh Mexico globally acclaimed for its really illustrious tourist destinations, revolutionary cuisine, and infamous for the drug cartel and the illegal immigrants that attempt to cross the border every year. I have crossed the border quite a number of times, legally of course. I travel to Mexico once or twice a year. Out of all the times, I have traveled there, the most amusing experience of the trip always lays within the border. Watch towers looking over the vast desert area, watchmen ready to pop anyone that even looks like it’s about to run, foot patrol with their M4 carbines and drug sniffing drugs trying to get a whiff of any illegal contraband trying to cross over into the great U.S of A. I will never forget these border crossing moments because what happens seems like something that would only happen in a movie or television show. There are a couple of ways to cross the border into Mexico, flying which I have never done before because, my dad is too easy on the pocketbook for airplane tickets and, driving which, was our main way of transportation. You see my family is a big family, composing of four boys, and of course our parents, so, being in a car with them for twenty-four hours wasn’t the highlight of the day. Once you reach the border there are thousands of people coming to and coming back from Mexico and as you would expect the border gets jam packed with people attempting to getShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.â€â€(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7Read MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pagesemployee involvement, more widespread employee learning, and greater employee ownership of problems are among the potential benefits.40 Some organizations have found favorable results with transnational teams as the challenges of managing across borders becomes more common and complex.41 Even virtual teams linked primarily through advanced technology can contribute despite geographical dispersion of essential employees. Virtual teams also can easily take advantage of previously unavailable expertiseRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagesillustrated the meaning and use of words; the great majority of the examples are due to him. Their merit is that they are not translations from English, but natural Igbo sentences elicited only by the stimulus of the word they illustrate. The short essays which appear from time to time (e.g. under o tà ¹tà ¹, à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤gbanÌ„je) on aspects of culture are also his work, as are the sketches which served as basis for the illustrations, a large number of new words, and various features of the arrangement. When he had
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